Empower your child to beat the bedtime boogie man with DIY Monster Spray
This printable is a fun DIY monster spray craft to help young children learn to face their fears with courage and confidence.
It’s that time of year again when we put up spooky decorations, visit haunted houses, and dress up in scary costumes. While some children find Halloween thrilling, for many other children, it brings anxiety and fear. Young children may start to express these fears during bedtime. When the lights go off, young minds can begin to wander.
What’s that hiding in the darkness? Is it a pile of dirty clothes or a monster? Was the sound just the wind, or was it a werewolf?
How can a parent help with nighttime fears?
Many parent’s first instincts is to tell children that monsters aren’t real. As rational adults, that seems to be the most logical explanation. We tell children to believe in the tooth fairy and Santa. Still, we expect them to differentiate between that and monsters under their bed?
Telling a child that monsters aren’t real doesn’t usually help children relax and fall asleep. A more effective approach is to step into your child’s world of imagination and play. As a child play therapist, I have helped many preschool-aged children overcome bedtime worries using Monster Spray.

Zombies, witches, vampires! Oh my!
Download our five-pack of DIY monster spray labels. Included printables:
- Vampires
- Witches
- Zombies
- Monsters
- Ghosts
What is Monster Spray?
Monster Spray is a coping tool for children that are experiencing monster anxiety. It is a spray bottle filled with water and a few drops of essential oil that children use as a pretend pesticide against imaginary monsters. If your child is having trouble sleeping due to nighttime fears, supply them with a bottle of monster spray.
To use Monster Spray, simply spray it under the bed, in the closet, and anywhere else dark and spooky. Let your child keep the Monster Spray on the bedstand overnight in case your child wakes up scared in the middle of the night.
Follow the directions below, and you can make your own Monster Spray!
How to make DIY Monster Spray
DIY Monster Spray

Make your own Monster Spray following these directions:
- Scissors
- Printer
- Gather materials and supplies.
- Put 3-5 drops of the Essential Oil of your choice into your spray bottle.
- Fill the Spray Bottle up with water and tightly put it on the nozzle.
- Download the FREE Monster Spray label (linked HERE).
- Enter your sticker paper into the printer and print. You may need to alter the size to fit your specific spray bottle.
- Cut out the printed label to fit on your spray bottle, peel back paper backing and carefully place the sticker.
Before bed, help your child spray in all the dark places where scary monsters like to hide. Guarantied to keep monsters away for 24 hours.
Visit www.HelloHappyCamper.com for more creative coping tools.
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Free Monster Spray Printable
Download your free printable DIY Monster Spray label by joining our mailing list. Fill out the form below and you will be emailed a link to your free download.
Sleep Tight with Monster Spray
Dealing with monsters is never fun, but hopefully, this project makes it more bearable and helps your little one develop coping techniques to deal with the stresses and anxieties that keep us up at night.
Be sure to check out all the amazing DIY monster spray projects on Pinterest, and pin ours if you enjoy it! If you enjoyed this project or wanted to share your experience with DIY Monster Spray, please feel free to leave a comment below. We love hearing from our readers.
Be sure to read a related article to learn more about what causes nighttime anxieties and how parents can help.
Why Are Children Scared of Monsters?
Today children are safe and sound in their room with a favorite stuffed animal, nightlights, and sound machine. Obviously, no real dangerous monsters are lurking under the bed. Why does the pile of clothes on the chair turn into a monster when the lights go out? Why do children have irrational fears?
This fear is a fundamental evolutionary response that goes back to our ancestors protecting themselves from tigers in the jungle. If our ancestors left their child alone in the dark, the child is more at risk of being attacked by a predator. A child who feels afraid and seeks an adult’s support for protection is more likely to survive.
DIY Monster Spray and other coping skills can be a fun addition to the bedtime routine.
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